Sunday 1 December 2019

How to defend the moral treatment of animals?

How to defend the moral treatment of animals?

How to defend the moral treatment of animals?
You seem to be concerned about pets and animals in general if you ask it. You may be worried about your pets, and this feeling may extend to all pets and other animals. You may develop your feelings and last for a period of time.But feelings are not moral ??
Those who defend the moral treatment of animals must transcend emotions. You must look for proven and tangible facts. They must ignore the offer and look for the organizers... However, care must be taken not to tolerate the moral treatment of animals just because we are watching the show. We must focus on everything that is ethical . Ethical treatment. It calls us a definition of ethics itself. Between you want to defend the moral treatment of animals? Ethical Values ​​System. We expect the pronouns to adopt "professional ethics". By that we mean that we expect to behave properly, employers focus on good-to-worker ethics. So the employer will behave properly, along with some good features. The important part in our talk about the ethics of animal treatment . Animals are an important link in the cycle of nature, so we must not wear them and eat them under the name of moral right. Concept The Golden Rule - Jesus Christ - Jesus stated twice: in Matthew 7:12 and in Luke 6:31 "... whatever you wish others would do to you, do it too." And in Luke: "... as you want others to do to you, do so to them." Bible, (Standard English Version)


The Golden Rule tells us that we have to deal with the way we can best support the ethical treatment of animals. What is a good ethical approach to dealing with non-people who have no spirit?